Title: TKO Visit With The Parents Author:Vamphile Pairing: Jared/Jensen Rating: R Word Count: 12,500 +/- Summary Jared and Jensen spend a long weekend with Jared's family
A/N: I’m severely nervous about this because I haven’t posted fic in like 18 months so feedback would be appreciated.
Title: Regret Author:Vamphile Pairing: J2 Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 1900+/- Summary For: Allydenise who said in this Meme:I'd love to see a fic in which Jensen is travelling the waterways of the US in a barge, alone & getting over a loss in his life. He picks up free spirit artist Jared along the way, and Jared begins to put Jensen's heart
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Title: The End of The Tunnel Author:Vamphile Pairing:J2 Rating: R Word Count: 4300 +/- Summary Jared's kinda a stalker, Jensen doesn’t particularly mind